In today's news from the Discovery channel: have to say that this is the biggest load of horseshit the oil industry is pushing, even bigger than their allegations that they give a damn about anything other than fleecing their pockets at the expense of whatever stands in their way, including our own potential future survival. What this article describes is a proposal to trap atmospheric CO2, compress it, and pump it underground for storage. The best part of the story, I think, is this line: "Capturing and storing CO2 is the only realistic way of reducing emissions while delivering the energy that the world needs to prosper," this from Jeroen van der Veer, chief exec of Shell.
Oh, really?
So, Jeroen, you're saying that we can't deliver the "energy the world needs to prosper" without maintaining our current CO2 emissions via consumption of oil? We can't reduce our emissions by reducing our emissions? We can't get our energy from some other source, like, for instance, THE SUN?? My dear Jeroen, if you are truly this stupid (which I am confident you are not), then you must be suicidal, or at least extremely depressed, for surely you have noticed by now that oil is what's known as a
non-renewable resource, which
means, dear man, that it's going to run out at some point (unless we simply quit using it before we use it up). And in your implied scenario, that is depressing indeed-- no way for the world to prosper without it, with the "without it" part being only a matter of time. I think what you
meant was, no way for your company to make gazillions of dollars while destroying the planet without it.
Meanwhile, this carbon-capture-storage concept is still in its infancy, with shaky and as-yet-underdeveloped technology behind it (and most likely, although I have not verified this, the very companies promoting this as a solution are not yet devoting many research dollars to remedying this little snag). Hmm, what about alternatives? Oh
yeah, solar and wind power are already in use all over the globe, have been for decades. Microhydroelectric is also already ready-to-go. So how is it you've decided the only way to fuel prosperity is with big profits for Shell and lip service for the environment so you can keep on with business as usual?
Labels: big oil, carbon capture storage, global warming