At Home on Hill Haven

Musings, ramblings, and pontifications on motherhood, unschooling, farming, sustainability, spirit, and life in general...

Location: northwest Georgia, United States

I'm a living-working-breathing mom, writing, mothering, teaching, and soul-searching from our home in northwest Georgia. We are whole-life unschoolers, which basically means our kids actually have a say in what happens to them (it actually means infinitely more than that, but's it's a starting point for discussion). We are also hardcore environmentalists, anti-industrialists, trying to escape from our dependence on petroleum, manufactured products and other non-sustainable practices. We homebirth, homeschool, and homestead, and try to make sense of it all, in a constant whirlwind of chaos.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Too often I'm trying entirely too hard to write something impressive here. Not today! I took the kids to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens yesterday, where they have a special exhibit called "Sculptures in Motion" (which, you might infer, consists of sculptures... that move...). Not only are the scupltures quite nifty, but so are the kids, if I do say so myself. Enjoy!Not part of the "motion" exhibit, this blown glass piece is a permanent part of the gardens. Galen poses in front of the fountain near the cafe.

A giant easel, with mirrored rectangles suspended by wires that sway in the breeze.

Galen pushes a massive revolving rock.

Huge mobile over a small pool inside the orchid house (or whatever it's called).

Galen calls this one "the big 8." One of his favorites. This picture is to show Daddy how big the 8 is (since he didn't go with us this trip).
My personal favorite. I want to make one of these.

A second favorite sculpture, and perhaps my favorite photo, not only because it's so fantastic, but because Galen took it! Isn't it great?!

Galen wanted multiple photos of his new toy :)

Galen took this one of me and Iris. Wow, my arm looks really buff! lol

And now, the "Iris is so stinkin' cute by the Japanese garden" series:

Eating a rock!

Kicking away at the rocks under her feet-- see the bare spot on the ground?

What?! Who, me??

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